Replica handbags – your choice of top brands with affordable price!
In the consumer market, popular brand name products always come with high price tags. The asking price may not be affordable for many of us. Usually top branded products do not offer any bargain. Well many of us are so passionate to acquire a brand product but do not want to pay the price that the original brand product sells at. This passion for brand items with limitations of personal finances brought out a new business – the business of replicas. Replicas have often been termed as an illegal business and original companies take a very serious view of these “counterfeited” products. This is applicable especially for commercial merchandise like luxury watches, bags, accessories and designer label clothing. In the market of luxury handbags and accessories, names like Louis Vuitton, Coach, Chloe are very common ones. So are their replicas in the bargain markets. Replica handbags are mostly produced in China and sold all around.
Louis Vuitton (also known as LV) is a popular French luxury fashion and leather goods brand that produces a wide range of handbags. It is synonymous with high quality fashion especially for its variety of Louis Vuitton handbags. The brand has been subjected to extensive counterfeiting since its establishment in 1854. Almost 99% of the handbags bearing the popular LV logo today are basically Louis Vuitton replicas. Louis Vuitton replicas are usually of very high grade replica handbags and are available in unbelievable price – mostly at 10% or below the original product price.
Chloe is a famous brand name in luxury fashion products’ market. The original company was founded in 1952 with the successful introduction of fashionable ‘luxury prêt -a-porter’ or ‘ready-to-wear’ products. Today’s Chloe replica handbags are almost 100% look-and-feel alike products that come with extremely low price tags. There are many online retailers selling Chloe replica handbags with prices as low as 10%-15% of the original Chloe handbags with exactly same looks and designs.
Coach is name that is well known for its luxury fashion products for almost forty years now. Its handbags come with simple yet classic and well balanced designs. Coach replica handbags too are highly demanding products in retail and online shops that sell replicas. Coach replica handbags maintain a perfect balance between aesthetics and functionality. They come with different size, shape, pockets and straps that add to your efficient use of the bags and your personal fashion needs.
If you are interested in handbags that bear a brand name, looks and feel almost like the original (one that you saw with your rich friend) and want to pay a very low price, replica handbags are your only choice. You may find a retail shop that sells replica handbags near you or visit hundreds of websites that offers them with great deals.
What causes Replica handbags
Louis Vuitton - History
The Louis Vuitton Company (more commonly known simply as Louis Vuitton) is a luxury French fashion and leather goods brand and company, headquartered in Paris, France. It is a division of the French holding company, LVMH Louis Vuitton Moët Hennessy S.A. The company is named after its founder Louis Vuitton (August 4, 1821-February 27, 1892), who designed and manufactured luggage, as a Malletier during the second half of the nineteenth century.
The company manufactures and markets luxury leather goods, fashion accessories, prêt--porter, and jewelry. Many of the company’s products utilize the signature brown Damier and Monogram Canvas materials, both of which were first used in the late 19th century. All of the company’s products utilize the eponymous LV initials. The company only markets its product through its own stores throughout the world, which allows it to control product quality and pricing, and to prevent counterfeit products entering its distribution channels. In addition, the company added a single online retailer to sell some of its products (along with some of its sister companies such as Christian Dior).Versace designs, markets and distributes luxury clothing, accessories, fragrances, makeup and home furnishings under the various brands of the Versace Group.
One hundred and fifty years after its eponymous founder began creating and selling trunks in Paris, Louis Vuitton's signature leather goods are considered a status symbol around the globe and are highly regarded in the fashion world. The company's iconic Monogram Canvas design can be considered the first designer label in contemporary history; the design was created in 1896 by Vuitton's son Georges and was intended to prevent counterfeiting. Ironically, Louis Vuitton has become the most counterfeited brand in fashion history, with just over 1% of all items branded with the Vuitton logo not counterfeit.
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chanel handbag
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We do not represent our handbags or any products to be original and we do not represent that they are exact copies of any branded products mentioned.
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